Hello to all!

I have been practicing and teaching Feng Shui for more than10 years. I wanted to add Ba Zi – Chinese astrology or the 4 pillars of destiny for a long time. I finally did it! But what is it exactly?

Ba Zi is about establishing your individual energy map in order to decode it, to help you understand yourself better, and to solve problems that drain your energy. Each person is unique and from the analysis of the 5 elements in the chart, their “dosage” and positioning, a profile is drawn, a way of being, of reacting. For example:

  • Why do you endlessly repeat the same patterns in your love life?
  • If I understand myself better, I will see more clearly what motivates my husband, wife, children, friend, associate.
  • Are you aware of your assets, your qualities?
  • Is this the best time to start my business?
  • I want to move into another discipline, another line of work but I’m not sure which direction to choose. Should I do it alone or with a partner?
  • What is the potential and compatibility in choosing a future work or love partner?
  • So many possibilities for the orientation of my teen! Is there a more definite inclination or path in his/her chart?
  • Is this family conflict the source of my problems?
  • What is my life mission?
  • Everything seems to be working against me, what is the mechanism at work in my life right now?

It is not a method of prediction or divination but rather an aid, a guide to help you understand what drives you and why. A guide that tells you how to take action, how to make choices that fit who you are. Ba Zi analysis can be coupled with a Feng Shui expertise but not necessarily.

If it is going to rain, I take an umbrella, if it is cold or very hot, I dress accordingly.  Ba Zi informs me of the current conditions. It is a road map or a GPS that shows you the possible directions, the state and the quality of the roads that are available to you: highway or gravel road, crossroads? It shows you, depending on the goal you are aiming at, what you may encounter along the way. The choice remains yours but it will be wiser.

So how do I go about doing a Ba Zi analysis? You send me the following information:   adeledionne@gmail.com:

  • Your date, year and time of birth
  • Your place of birth
  • Perhaps there were special circumstances taking place at the time of your birth (a storm, extreme heat or cold, a disturbing event in the environment, born early or late ….)
  • What is your problem? What do you want to explore and resolve with me? What questions would you like me to answer?
  • I will contact you afterwards to deepen your needs and confirm certain facts.

I will return the analysis on our second meeting, by Zoom or Facetime. I suggest that you record our meeting, because in the heat of the discussion, you may forget to take notes!

The cost of the consultation is $120 including all taxes. If you want more than one analysis for other members of your family, a sliding scale fee will be applied.

For my students, there will also be a special rate.

I hope with all my heart to help you find the right attitude and the most interesting way to make your projects come true!

Adèle Dionne

Our school Traditional Chinese Feng Shui is recognized by Revenu Quebec under number 15-10-3808.

For information and registration:  adeledionne@gmail.com